

"Heir Of The Pine" original art print

Original was painted in acrylic on canvas

all prints will come with a print of her story
originally written by me.

Once upon a time
deep in an ancient forest
at the very heart of a tree
a guardian was born
she kept her tree from evil
would clean it's wounds through battle after battle
using her own body to protect the weakest parts from breaking
from getting hurt again
she resisted the elements
as she loved her trees
she loved her forest
she was born for this
and had to stay strong
so she did
The years went by
the tree and it's guardian stayed together
until their final days
where the tree finally laid to rest
falling into a river and drifting downstream
the guardian stayed until she could hold no longer
so she let go
sinking to the bottom of the river
knowing she served her tree
her kingdom well
in her last moments she made a wish
"may those that hold me, find their courage"

millions and millions of years later
she is worshipped and worn by many of us today
sometimes resting just over our hearts
or wrapped around our fingers to show her off

Most call her "Amber"
but those who truly know her call her the
"Heir Of The Pine"

I print and cut all art prints myself so this is what I have found works best at this point in time.
All prints will measured and cut at 8.5 in. x 5.5 in.
This includes the border.